“HEX gives you the greatest gift which is a pathway to future network and education.”
Edward Musty - HEX Alumni July'23
(It's Friday night and I feel all right...)
HEX Innovation Programs are the simplest first step to launching your next move. Creating a startup, learning new tech jargon, or levelling up your impact leadership.
With a collective knowledge of over 350 years combined between 100+ mentors - there is no question too big or too small. We can help guide your dreams (the crazier, the better!) into a pathway to success.
Unlock the exponential skills and mindsets that you didn't even know you had. Our programs are designed to unleash the superpowers that makes you uniquely you. The world needs you, today!
Surround yourself with awesome humans who understand what you are going through and support you. The HEXiverse contains IRL and online events, career resources, jobs from our industry network, and connections to investors.
We have a line-up of amazing mentors, ready to connect and guide you through whatever you need – from growth mindsets to emotional support, and academic excellence.
These people are well-versed leaders, social influencers, innovators, educators, policy makers, and HEX alumni who have experienced what you're going through.
Everyone's journey is different.
Instead of forcing you towards a job title or scorecard, our mentors are here to help you achieve your version of success.
Sometimes, all you need is to take the first step. Do it for future you.
1:1 and small group Mentoring
Explore job opportunities
Learn anywhere with HEX Ed - over 100 hours of golden nuggets
Hang out in the HEX community
Unlock your invitation to exclusive events
Priority access to 'digital nomad' accommodation around the world
Gain university credits
A chance to volunteer worldwide
Experience studying overseas on an exchange / gap year program
A monthly snapshot of the latest HEX news, articles, and resources.