Pay Attention to something Super

Superannuation, or "super" for short, is your money. It’s a part of your salary that is set aside specifically for your retirement. While it might seem like something you don't need to think about now, especially if you’re just starting out in your career, super is something worth paying attention to—even if it feels a bit confusing at first.

Here’s how it works in simple terms: a percentage of the money you earn goes straight into a super fund, which is basically a retirement savings account. The idea behind this is to make sure that when you retire, you have enough money to live comfortably without relying solely on government support.

The real magic of superannuation lies in something called compound interest. Think of it like planting a small seed today that, over time, grows into a massive tree. The money in your super grows because it earns returns on investments. And then, those returns start earning returns too! Over the years, that small percentage of your salary can snowball into a pretty substantial amount by the time you're ready to retire.

Why should you care about this now? Because the earlier you start paying attention to your super, the more it can grow. Your super is invested in things like property, shares, and other assets, which means it’s working for you behind the scenes. The longer you leave it untouched, the more it benefits from compound interest. 

Yes, superannuation can feel complex, especially if you're new to it. But the good news is, you don’t have to be a financial expert to benefit from it. Just by being aware of where your super is invested and making small decisions—like consolidating multiple super funds into one—you can boost your future savings significantly.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Super is your retirement fund – A percentage of your salary goes into it automatically.
  2. Compound interest is your friend – The earlier you start paying attention, the more your super can grow.
  3. Your super is invested for you – It’s working in the background, growing through investments.
  4. Start small, but pay attention – Even small steps now can lead to a big payoff later.


“The Money Unit really opened my eyes! It helped me redefine my relationship with money and adopt a more sustainable approach to managing my money. I now feel empowered to make informed decisions and build a brighter financial future.”  - Bella F

‍“The Money unit equipped me with the tools and knowledge I needed to take control of my financial health. I discovered new strategies for managing my money and was inspired to explore additional income streams. I’m excited to explore new ways to build my wealth!” - Shirley P


Samar Mcheileh, Co-CEO of Scale Investments speaks about superannuation in more detail in the HEX finance and money unit. Check out HEX online programs here.


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