This is for my 18 year old self, You’re the product of thousands and millions of those who come before you. I want you to remember that. You come as one but stand as 10000 - a quote by Maya Angelou. I hope this message finds you somehow, just remember you’re worthy of love and somebody loves you so don’t be bothered by what everyone has to say. Listen to what I have to say, but find your own path.
Ever since your mother gave birth to you alone in the hospital with the rest of her family traveling to another country, you have always been a mama’s boy. From this conception you knew your mission was different and set for something bigger. I know your A level grades have been a disaster, and you can’t figure out why you have no interest in the subjects in front of you. The arguments with your family are getting more intense, and no one seems to understand what you have to say, or is even listening to you. or just drown you out everytime you speak. You have always been called a “day-dreamer” who is lazy, and while this is true, it’s only because you haven’t found a cause worth believing in, or “dying” for.
As you grow older, learn to give your parents and family grace. Reconcile with them. They’re going through battles, and dealing with trauma they can’t speak of or don’t want you to know and are working with the best tools they have. They do however, love you dearly and will move mountains to see you succeed.
It will be on you, however, to break this cycle and continue being open, go to therapy and talk through these situations more. Your future partner and kids will thank you for this.
Life has a funny way of doing things and even if i told you right now what you and your path would turn out to be, you would just sit back and laugh at me and move on because you always knew from birth that you were destined to be something bigger, or probably wouldn’t listened to what I have to say.
On some days, you will feel anxious, and you will not fit in. You will even feel like you want to trade places with someone due to their gender, skin colour, social status because you feel they have it better than you. I just want to let you know that only you can be the best version of you and no one else can be the best version of yourself. There is a privilege and strength in being who you are and super-powers that you can tap into. Make it your life mission to figure out what your super-powers are. One tip, think of what people come to ask you for or help with most of the time, and what do people know what not to ask you for :).
Love with wild abandon and yes some people will take advantage of that but eventually you will find that person who will reciprocate that love. Not everyone will love you and at first it will shock and haunt you but you will heal and move on.
Be here, and everywhere, and all the things at once. And don’t listen to what they say, you can do it all, you don’t have to specialize or focus on one thing, pursue what you like doing with reckless abandon.
Being wrong, making mistakes is part of the parcel but what’s important is not to make them often. There will always be obstacles, this will challenge you to be innovative and test your limits and resolve.
All the success and achievements will mean nothing without love, family and health. Invest in your body and mental health as a priority and make time for the loved ones.
Write down visions and manifest them but remember to do the work, everyone loves a hard worker and they will all remember how you made them feel when they worked with you.
My only ask is for you to manifest even bigger for yourself than you have imagined.
Don’t limit your dreams to your goals, ask for the impossible Request this of the universe with fervent resolve.
At one point, you will have disagreements with your manager, friend, partner and it takes courage to admit when wrong and say sorry and and have to forgive them and learn about conflict resolution and working through the circumstances. You will make friends, and will lose friends, Not everyone will love you and that’s okay.
My wish is for you, to have a better life than I have had and not have to make the sacrifices I have had to make. Sometimes the rules of life and advice will get confusing and contradictory but you will know what’ and your gut will tell you.
Keep your mind and body sharp,; learning new stuff, do something that scares you every now and then to remind you that you’re not a God and are capable of fear.
Learn to sleep more, and love whom you love. No one can love you, if you can’t love yourself.